This week I decided to do a video post.
This week I decided to do a video post.
Well now that I got your attention… I would like to talk about something even sexier than the above picture.
Random Acts of Kindness … oh ya so sexy!
You all must have heard the story of Edmonton Oilers player Gilbert Brule and his girlfriend Kelsey Nichol who picked up a hitchhiking Bono. That was pretty sexy. Although the good deed did not go unnoticed, it was a great display of generosity. I was at the receiving end of an act of kindness this week when I received flowers for NO reason at all. Can’t get any better than that- in my eyes! I witness kindness every time Toe Jams Monica and I walk passed an expired meter at the General Hospital in Hamilton, which she fills with her spare change to save someone from the diligent parking police in the area. I am pretty sure she has saved a lot of people from a pricey ticket, without them being aware of it.
Inspired by all three of the above examples I too wanted to try to give anonymously. So my intention was to do one nice RAK (Random Act of Kindness) each day. I wanted to do something nice for a friend or stranger each day and not tell anyone about it.
So the post ends here. I have nothing more to share but the encouragement to go out do something nice for someone else today! Feel free to share your story- anonymously. Buy a stranger a coffee. Send an anonymous thank you letter. Give a stranger standing on Barton St a giant hug on this sweaty day!
The sun never says to the earth, “You owe Me.” Look what happens with a love like that, it lights the whole sky. – Hafiz
Peace, peace, peace
NEXT WEEK! My dad and I make a yoga video for fathers day!
Another inspiration of mine is my little brother Jason. If anyone knows how to relax it is Jay. He perfected the art of relaxation one summer and actually grew a dreadlock on the back of his head, from relaxing on the couch for so long. Jay chills hard. Any time I catch myself trying to do too much, I think of my little brother, take a deep breath and silently say to myself RELAX! I am actually thinking about bringing him into the yoga studio to do workshops on relaxation but in the meantime here are some of his tips.
TAKE DEEP INHALES AND SMOOTH EXHALES– Jay sure can inhale completely and exhale slowly. He practices hard. He practices every day. Learning to breathe properly propels us on a path of healing. Studies show that proper breathing techniques reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and give us an overall sense of well-being. In that case, Jay is going to live forever.
LAUGH– Laughter IS the best medicine. Jay is the funniest person I know.
MEDITATE– Even though Jay meditates on football and golf it still counts! I have never seen such focus.
LET YOUR MIND GO EMPTY– Some people find it helpful to visualize a calm, beautiful place such as a garden, and for others an empty mind comes more naturally.
FIND THE TIME– I have never seen my little brother stressed out about fitting things into his daily schedule. His pace is controlled and Jay definitely sets time to do things he enjoys.
So inspired by Jay I am going to keep this post short and sweet so I can go do some relaxing of my own.
There is more to life than increasing its speed. – Mohandas K Gandhi
Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are. – Chinese Proverb
Don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing. – Winnie the Pooh
Peace, peace, peace
NEXT WEEK! Home remedies from the motherland
This week I was inspired by the ultimate transformer. No, it is not an Autobot or a Decepticon- it is Aaron the ‘transformer’ Gagnon. To say he is talented is an understatement. The guy is a god damn magician.
Aaron has always had great taste- I mean I was his highschool prom date! His creativity was put to good use even as a teenager, designing high end cars and bikes. His passion led him to earn a degree in interior design at Ryerson University and a job designing stores for one of Canada’s hottest companies and a personal favourite of mine- Lululemon. But what impresses me most about Aaron’s work is his ability to transform thrift store finds and run down places into beautiful masterpieces. His most recent project was transforming the 2nd floor of an old Portuguese eatery on James St North in Hamilton into what is now an amazing space. Before he got his hands on it, it was bad. The place was obviously decorated by an old Portuguese woman right down to the tile on the bathroom ceiling.
If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. ~Abraham Maslow
I am always inspired by people that can see the potential in things. So that is my intention for this week, to see the potential in the ugly Portuguese restaurants in my life. I began to search for the ugly around me and challenged myself to reconstruct my attitude.
I always thought I had man hands. Yes, like that episode of Seinfeld when Jerry’s date eats lobster with those huge, manly, bear paws. What was a girl to do? Inspired by my talented friend Aaron, I tried my best to look for the potential in these bear paws of mine. I mean, I do give a bad ass savasana massage (a massage us yoga teachers give on the back of our students necks at the end of practice- yes it is as incredible as it sounds), I have never missed a high 5 in all my life and who needs to buy a foam finger at a baseball game when you have catchers mitts like these! Haha I am joking a little, but seriously if the first thing I notice about my physical appearance that I dislike are man hands then I am doing alright. No longer do my hands freak me out, I actually see them as amazing tools.
I know we can all relate to this one. I hear it all the time – the complaints over the rainy weather. Eww it is so wet. Ewww my hair is frizzy from the weather. Instead of complaining about the evils of rain consider all the good that comes with it- free car wash, no need to water your plants or gardens, wet t-shirts, you can actually use the umbrella that you have sitting in your car, jumping in puddles, filling bird baths, rain is the perfect soundtrack on a lazy afternoon and how about all those people that are stranded on a deserted island and are all out of water? Ya that’s right- rain is the best thing ever!
When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute – and it’s longer than any hour. That’s relativity. ~Albert Einstein
We spend so much time searching through the rooms of our lives looking for the negative. Let’s balance the list a bit and look for the potential. So use the tools you have- drills, hammers, man hands, creativity, or positivity and transform your perspective.
A penny will hide the biggest star in the Universe if you hold it close enough to your eye. ~Samuel Grafton
Here are more pics of Aaron’s creations. Or, to be directly inspired I recommend you check out his studio space at 301 James St North that will be open to the public starting July 1st by appointment only. Email Aaron at Thanks buddy for being a great inspiration! I can’t wait to see what you do next!
We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~Anaïs Nin
Peace, peace, peace
NEXT WEEK! Lazy Jay and the art of relaxation!
This past Sunday, the second Sunday in May, like the year before and the year before that one, we celebrated Mother’s Day. How did you spend Mother’s day? Did you plan ahead and book brunch reservations way back in February? Send a thoughtful card? Spend a couple minutes thinking about her? Whatever you did I am sure Sunday had you dedicating extra time to mom- or really any mother figure in your life. So happy belated Mother’s Day to all mothers, grandmothers, step mothers, sugar mommas and sexy mommas out there!
Since I have no children and have never owned a pet I really have no clue what it means to be a mother. So instead I compiled a list of the greatest advice from a variety of moms- my mom, my grandma, my friend’s moms, beauty pageant stage moms and even celebrity moms. Some may make you laugh, some may make you cry and others will get you searching for your closest Spanish dictionary. There is something for everyone.
You always become your mother. Get over it. You should be so lucky.
Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. – Forrest Gump’s Momma
You got on the horse, now ride it. -Mrs. Solano
Apple cider vinegar cures all. – Mrs. Brezak
A little spritz: Put a little dill in everything. Never hurts.
Grow something and eat it. Don’t buy that shit they sell in stores.
They’re starving. Somewhere: Stop throwing out perfectly good food. Expiration dates are suggestions by the irrational.
The night before I got married my mother shared with me the pearls of marital wisdom her own mother bequeathed to her the night before her own wedding: “Az er vil, loz im.” (Translated from the original Yiddish: “If he wants to, let him.”) – Katie Curic
Don’t shop when you’re hungry.
You catch more flies with sugar than vinegar.
Don’t worry about the way you look. Compliment others and they’ll think you look great.
Get a babysitter every day from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and have some wine.
When you have a bad day, eat icecream. -Britney Spear’s mom
Stupid is as stupid does. – Forrest Gump’s Momma
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Even if it thinks it knows better.
Help your child believe in her dreams because it is real and possible. Then, give her wings and let her go. -Dixie Baver
(While in a yoga pose called happy baby) There is no such thing as a happy baby. – Pauline from PYC
Let your child try to go for it. Let her find her own way. She can do it. -Sara St. Onge
Don’t sit on cold cement.
Boil asparagus and drink all the water that is left over. If you do this you will live forever. – Moma
Pick your rose carefully cause you have got to smell it for the rest of your life. – Mrs. Farago
Don’t smoke crack. – the mom from the movie Waterboy
Never look through a lady’s purse.
Don’t go outside with wet hair or else you’ll get sick. Always cover your drink at the bar so no one drugs you. Always put your makeup on, makeup meaning to always smile. – Mrs. Tenace
Don’t have too many friends, just a couple real good ones. – Mrs. DiGiovanni
I believe the choice to become a mother is the choice to become one of the greatest spiritual teachers there is. To create an environment that’s stimulating and nurturing, to pass on a sense of responsibility to another human being, to raise a child who understands that he or she is created from good and is capable of anything I know for sure that few callings are more honorable. To play down mothering as small is to crack the very foundation on which greatness stands. – Oprah
Peace, peace, peace
NEXT WEEK! I am inspired by the ultimate transformer. No it is not an Autobot or a Decepticon, it is …
If you are anything like me, technology is not your friend. My idea of doing anything I.T. related is going to buy my friend Les a case of beer in exchange for his help.
At last week’s MvM meeting Toe Jams Monica, Jay and I were discussing Twitter. I was extremely lost through the entire conversation and was mortified when they said I needed a Twitter account. So I did my google research and found that this Twitter thing was not all that bad. This Twitter thing was actually just another way for me to take my yoga practice off my mat.
Contrary to popular belief yoga is about much more than touching your toes. In fact, asana (the physical practice where you do yoga postures) is only one small portion of what yoga is truly about.
Twitter can relate to many elements of a yogi lifestyle. Some of them include:
Ahimsa (non harming)
Ahimsa is about more than not harming another person. Ahimsa also includes not harming the environment. By using Twitter we are actually being environmentally friendly because we are able to share files, exchange business cards, share images, etc. electronically.
Satya (truthfulness)
Twitter forces you to tell the truth. It is hard to lie about your whereabouts when on Twitter. You cannot tweet that you are “at home watching movies†when in reality you are at the local pub getting wasted.
Brahmacharya (celibacy when single and fully committed when in a relationship)
Cheaters are outted on social networking sites- just ask ______ (I promised I wouldn’t ever mention his name on this site so I will honor that and wish him all the best!)
At first I thought Twitter was just another brain numbing activity, like I really care if Sally just ate a ham sandwich or if Ashton Kutcher just blew his nose. Twitter can actually make the user much more mindful in their day-to-day activities. I noticed this instantly when I went to my dad’s house and saw that he was duct taping the screen door and I said to myself, wow I should really take a picture and tweet this it might make people laugh. Twitter is making me open my eyes and look at things in my life that are “twitter worthyâ€.
Life is routine and routine is resistance to wonder. So get out of autopilot and open your eyes to what is happening around you. –Abraham Joshua Heschel
Kula (community)
Just like yogis, twitter users have their own community of people. You are able to use Twitter to connect with and/or follow like-minded people. You can talk to people about topics that are of interest to you and share/find resources that are of interest to you.
Yoga has its official language called Sanskrit. Twitter also has its own language (#hashtags, @replies, retweets, direct messages, etc.)
Aparigraha (non possessiveness)
Essentially in both your yoga practice and your twitter practice you are sharing your life with others. You can share thoughts, images, videos, etc.
Karma Yoga (taking action)
I attend many karma yoga classes monthly where the money is donated to charity. Twitter does the same by allowing users to raise money or start a petition.
So join me on my quest to live yogically and add me to your twitter! – Find me at @LivingYogically
Hence, there is a time to go ahead and a time to stay behind.
There is a time to breathe easy and a time to breathe hard.
There is a time to be vigorous and a time to be gentle.
There is a time to gather and a time to release.
Can you see things as they are
And let them be all on their own?
Peace, peace, peace