GIVE UP TO GAIN: No Procrastinating June Ends and July Begins

Last month proved to be quite the challenge, but quite the needed kick in the butt. If you have been following along with my Give Up To Gain project, then you’ll know that last month was ‘No Procrastinating June’. No more five more minutes of sitting on the couch, no more “I’ll get at it in a bit” mentality. The goal was that if I made up those minutes here and there with productive activity, the end result would be great. Looking back on the month, I can say that it has been quite the busy month for me. 80 hour work weeks, little sleep, but so much fun. Everyone always says to me “Why don’t you put down your work and have some fun for a change”, but I pick up work to have fun. What I do for a living rules, and makes me super happy. It’s really hard to call it work.
So with every pro, then has to be a con. So what was my con this month? Well, it’s more of a positive con if that makes any sense. I was so busy this month that I had no time to make a video for July’s Give Up To Gain. This just means I’ll have to step up my video game for August.
So what to give up for July????? As the months go by, I’m having more and more difficulty trying to find something to give up. My problem is that I don’t really have any bad habits (or at least I don’t think so). I was put on a new strict diet last week, so giving up any bad food is already out of the question. I did alcohol already. hmmmmm. So I may be going a little off the board with this one here but it’ll be worth it in the end.
When I’m not out on the road or on location shooting, I’m usually in my underwear spending time working on my computer. Sometimes hours and hours on end and yes, many of your wedding photos have been post processed while me in nothing but a pair of black Hanes boxers. I tend to eat the majority of my meals in front of my computer and as I can’t really do work while eating, there is still a giant screen that I can look at and touch the mouse from time to time. So what do I do while I eat???? I play lots of online poker. Yes tis true. I may have an ‘online playing poker while eating addiction’. Some might say it’s a good thing because I do win money online but I do lose at times too. I also tend to play a lot of Facebook poker. I am leaving with just over 10.5 million in my account and won’t be back till August.
So instead of playing pointless online poker while eating, I’m going to get caught up on online workshops. I’m a huge believer in that you should never stop learning and can never have enough education. I have hours and hours of workshop videos that I hope to finish this month.
This is one challenge that people can catch me on. You can see if I’m online playing Facebook poker. but you won’t for the entire month of July. I am even going to extend this to home games. No poker at all, in any shape or form.
So again.. no video this month. But it was because I was super busy with work. July’s goal may sound easy, but trust me I love playing poker. A little secret not too many people probably knew about. In August, lets set up a game.. I’m in!
No Poker July
Interesting twist Jason! Idea…next month, give up lounging clothes. When you are working, put on “working” clothes whatever they may be. hahaha. That way you can realize that us folk with menial day jobs really have a shitty routine and we are all envious of what you have (even the 80 hour weeks). nnAhhhrooo!!!