TJM Random Rodeo – 6 Degrees of Meatloaf
Toe Jam’s Random Rodeo will be just that – random. Music has been such a big part of my life that I have a huge backlog of songs that are so-called guilty pleasures and others that are just lost treasures. These posts will be short and sweet and hopefully put a smile on your face to start your weekend – no long winded album reviews here. Hope you like them as much as I do!
When I was 11 I wanted to be meatloaf. Not the dinner staple of beef, onions, cheese and ketchup, but the large man known for his ballads and his role as Bob in Fight Club.
In 1993 my best friend Dana and I would sing his hit “I Would Do Anything for Love” in her room on a nightly basis. We were obsessed with this song. We belted it out in her lavender coloured bedroom and would fight over who got to be Meatloaf and who got to play the part of the babe from the video. It was Dana’s bedroom…so I always got the part of Meatloaf.
But I relished this role. After all, he sings for most of it right? I would be very dramatic in my passion for this song and sing like I was searching for my unrequited love – even though I was 11 and there are many debates about what Meatloaf means by “anything”.
I was singing “I Would Do Anything for Love” at home one day when my sister told me about another song that Meatloaf sang on, and this song is still a favourite of mine – “Total Eclipse of the Heart”. How could I have never heard this song before!? It had a guest appearance by Meatloaf and who was this Bonnie Tyler!? Well this became my new karaoke song of choice and I would massacre this gem throughout my house – but this time was different. I got to be Bonnie Tyler and Meatloaf because my sister was 15 and way too cool for sing-a-longs in the living room.
“I Would Do Anything for Love” and “Total Eclipse of The Heart” – 2 classics that are favourites in my books.
Make sure to look out for the choir boys with glowing eyes, the half naked football players and the caveman warrior wearing a black diaper who high-kicks his balls in Bonnie’s face and then pirouettes. Gold.
This video is long and basically “Beauty and The Beast”. The chick in the video isn’t the actual singer if you didn’t guess that. No one gets that voice and those jugs.
* If you are a member or manager of the above band and you would like your track removed, please contact us and we will swiftly oblige. Fans, new or old, please support these bands by using your coffee money to buy their records.
I’m glad that was at Dana’s house so I didn’t have to witness it! I have to admit though … Total Eclipse of My Heart is a solid tune 😉