TOE JAM MONDAYS: Kings of Leon, The Black Keys + The Coppertone
I’m a little obsessed with talk radio – or podcasts. There is nothing better to brighten up your work day than learning something new and interesting that you can share at dinner parties when the conversation gets awkward and boring. And WNYC’s RadioLab is one of the best out there. Being a music fan, this is an episode that comes up often and always starts a worthwhile conversation.
Now, on to some tunes that stood out for me this week. I’ve been under the weather, hence the chill vibe to this week’s picks – but still amazing tracks that helped me through the week. Enjoy!
I was such a big fan of Kings of Leon previous albums that when Come Around Sundown came out and it had a different sound – I was too quick to judge. I thought they had lost their edge. But I’m never afraid to admit when I’m wrong. I never gave this album the praise it deserves. Ya, it’s a different sound than Aha Shake Heartbreak, but this albums more chill vibe is what makes it so great. If you shoved it aside too soon like me, give it another chance. I think you’re mind might be changed.
No question The Black Keys have a good thing going. But, I just love the simplicity of this song. Tender words and a couple simple chords. Sometimes I love over-production in a song – but other times I’m a simple kinda gal. This track is from their 2006 release “Magic Potion”
The Black Keys – You’re The One
The Coppertone has come to my city on numerous occasions and I have yet to put a face to an album that I love. This track is a great example of what she can do. So good.
The Coppertone – Heroine
Happy Listening!
* If you are a member or manager of the above band and you would like your track removed, please contact us and we will swiftly oblige. Fans, new or old, please support these bands by using your coffee money to buy their records.