The day I have been planning since May is finally here. I can’t even begin to explain how stoked I am and even more excited to see where Monsters vs Me will go next.

Back in March of 2009, I decided to start a blog to showcase my photography and so was born. After posting photos for a while, I decided to expand my blog and start interviewing people associated within an arts & media field. I would interview bands, musicians, actors/comedians and even other photographers in hopes that I could give them some of the exposure that they deserve. I love giving back and this was one way I could achieve that goal.

Above is the first photo ever posted on

Time would pass and as I was too busy to maintain the blog by myself, I added some contributors and long story short, it was time to turn MONSTERSvsME from my blog, to a full out website. Although the ‘ME’ in the website first referred to myself, it now stands for everyone writing for the website as well as everyone featured on the site.

I’d like to think of it as a giant portfolio site for everyone involved. It’s a way for visitors to discover new talent, a way for talent to get discovered by new visitors, and we have also kept one of the reasons MvM still existed…….. the party photos section. It covers a lot of different things. Some might says “the Seinfeld of Websites”.

This website would not exist without numerous people. I want to give a giant thank you to Matt McPeak ( for starting the design of the website. This man is an amazing web designer and an even better friend. I’ve also got to send a giant thank you to Chad Faulkner ( for finishing the website and putting up with me over the past couple months. Chad’s knowledge of website design will blow you away. Please visit Matts and Chads sites and hire them. You won’t be disappointed.

I still can’t believe this day is actually here. I hope everyone enjoys the new MvM site and what is has to offer. We will still be running our monthly Monsters vs Me Invades Motown part at Club Absinthe raising money for the McMaster Children’s Hospital and we hope to see you guys out.

A new section that we have added is “Jerry Says:”. This will be a quote that may inspire you or get you through hard times. It will be updated daily, so come back and check every day.

This day would not be possible without the numerous special people in my life that I have the honor of calling friends. Thank you so much to:

Names are in alphabetical order.

  • Aaron Gagnon
  • Aaron Gurman
  • Adam Burchill
  • Aleks Kozakiewicz
  • Alex Toye
  • Allan Grzicic
  • Amy Zweig
  • Ana Alic
  • Andrea Burke
  • Andrea Dyer
  • Andrea Elia
  • Andrea Palermo
  • Anto Boros
  • Ashley Hlohinec
  • Ashley Sloggett
  • Baya Voce
  • Billy Pozeg
  • Blake Prince
  • Brody White
  • Chad Faulkner
  • Chelsie Pouliot
  • Chris Briscoe
  • Chris Walker
  • Christopher Geoghegan
  • Colin Young
  • Conor Lovat-Fraser
  • Dad
  • Dan Arcari
  • Darya Danesh
  • Dayna Alkerton
  • Deb Simpson
  • Derek Petrella
  • Distort Records
  • Eric Johnston
  • Eugene Park
  • Everyone at Club Absinthe
  • Everyone at Rokbar
  • Everyone at Sizzle/Koi
  • Everyone at Warped Tour
  • Everyone who ReTweets my posts
  • Frankie Mayfield
  • Graham Beasley
  • Heather Orr
  • Jacklyn Warmington
  • Jamie Smith
  • Jane Lee
  • Jason Mante
  • Jen Gemakas
  • Jenn Kuhn
  • Jenna Gentile
  • Jer Widerman
  • Jess Caswell
  • Jon Crandell
  • Jon Evans
  • Jonna Mckechnie
  • Jordan Armenise
  • Julian Foreman
  • Justin Petrella
  • Katie Gentile
  • Kenda Legaspi
  • Kim Walker
  • Kris Perry
  • Kyle Skinner
  • Live Music TO
  • Lynn Tessaro
  • Mallory Miller
  • Mark Turnbull
  • Marko Lubarda
  • Marta Simpson
  • Matt Boros
  • Matt McPeak
  • Matt Skidmore
  • Matt Vardy
  • Melissa Mathies
  • Melissa Nezezon
  • Melissa Radman
  • Michael Frosina
  • Mike Hlohinec
  • Mike Malysewich
  • Mom
  • Monica DiLuca
  • Monica Farago
  • Monika Benkovich
  • Monika Strzelecka
  • Monster Truck
  • Mrs. Benkovich
  • Natasha Sobota
  • Nate Mullholland
  • Ned Kuruc
  • Neff
  • Nicole Traplin
  • Paul Allard
  • Paulina Fuduric
  • Rayz
  • Rifkin
  • Rob Dyer
  • Rob Vino
  • Ross Corder
  • Sabrina Petrella
  • Sarah Baetz
  • Shane Cunningham
  • Sharon Tavares
  • Shawn Swartman
  • Sonya Petrella
  • Stacey Herriott
  • Stephanie Trendocher
  • Steve Haining
  • Straight Reads The Line
  • The Hamilton Spectator
  • The Secret
  • Tim Dennis
  • Tye Decaye
  • Vanessa Foreman
  • I apologize to anyones name I may have missed. You all mean so much to mean and thank you for making today possible.

    Welcome to the new Monsters vs Me site. Let me know if the comments what you think of it.