The Check Up: Here comes the SUN!

I am NOT a doctor…but I have a love/hate relationship with the sun.
I love the sun when it sits atop a nice blue sky and shines down making the summer even more awesome. I hate the sun when it angrily sits atop a nice blue sky and strikes down making the game of Super Mario Bros. 3 I’m playing even more difficult. The same applies to real life.
“Natural sunlight is important for good health. But too much exposure to the sun’s rays can cause skin cancer and eye problems. Being safe in the sun can go a long way in protecting yourself and your family. “ – The Canadian Cancer Society.
We are in the middle of what has already been a scorching-hot summer. Most people, especially those young at heart ‘beat the heat’ by hauling butt to the nearest beach and getting some sun. The key is, like drinking, to be responsible when it comes to your sun-intake. How do you do that?
Well, it just so happens that I am a huge wrestling nut so I will use some superstars to illustrate how to properly and safely enjoy the sunshine for the rest of summer.

“When you expose your skin to UV rays – whether from the sun, tanning beds or sun lamps – you increase your chances of getting skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. It’s also one of the most preventable. To reduce your risk of getting skin cancer, don’t use tanning beds or sun lamps.” – Canadian Cancer Society
This two-time WWE Champion and 2010 King of the Ring Tournament winner practices ‘safe sun!’ He doesn’t tan, whether it’s indoors or outdoors. There really is no safe way to tan, however, tanning indoors, via a tanning bed is far worse than outdoors. Sheamus isn’t risking either though, so remember to pack your sunscreen, fella!

The late, great, Macho Man Randy Savage had a lot to worry about back in the day: challengers for his Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship, George ‘The Animal’ Steele trying to steal Miss Elizabeth, and plotting ways to defeat The Hulkster in order to remain the cream of the crop.
One thing he was never concerned about was the sun. Mach’ was always armed with a wide-array of headwear (cowboy hats, bandanas, crowns) and could always be seen wearing a pair of his patented sunglasses, which help prevent damage to your eyes when being out in the sun!
We could all learn a thing or 5 from these wrestling greats/safe-sun enthusiasts!
Dr. Steve, Ph.D. (Pretty Helpful Dude)