It is easy to make things difficult and very difficult to make things easy. –David Swenson
I had the pleasure to attend a workshop hosted by David Swenson this weekend. For those of you reading that have no idea who David is- well, he is pretty much the Godfather of the yoga community. His knowledge was evident and a lot of learning took place. Even though Mr. Swenson is a yoga celebrity with a complex yoga practice, his messages were simple and reaffirming. I love a good metaphor and David had plenty of them. He related the practice of yoga to cats, jumping off burning buildings and going bald. I loved everything that came out of his mouth.
I always love when messages are delivered in simple terms. Just like the typical Italian, mofia Godfathers we see on tv. They don’t need to say much to get a big, important lesson across to their audiences.
I agree with the yoga Godfather. I make things so much harder than they need to be. Yes, both on and off of my yoga mat. The first example that comes to mind is my refusal to buy a parking pass at work. I will do anything to avoid the $60/month fee to park my car in the parking lot close to the hospital. I would rather park it miles away, dodge a train, and hop the fence in the pouring rain to avoid the fee. The best part is, I receive more than $60/month worth of parking tickets (picture below to prove it). So why am I making things so difficult? It would be so much easier to just buy a parking pass.

Peace, peace, peace
I miss Living Yogically.
…and I’d like to share a story…
The first time I met Natalie I was dumbstruck.
She had this glow, an aura about her that seemed to say: “I know something reeeeally gooooood…”
Sort of like the glow of a student who just aced an exam or someone who just got a promotion at work or someone who just got laid.
As she socialized and instructed in her refreshingly down-to-earth tone and compassionate style it was obvious that she had a zest for life.
She was fearless, passionate, totally-real and dripping with positivity.
Had I been wearing socks, they would have been knocked off.
Where did she get this swagger? I wondered. Where did she get that dope outlook and all of those gems she was dropping?
I had a hunch that she was someone doing big things…
I’ve never felt compelled to Google the name of a person that I had just met, but, I promise, it didn’t seem silly or creepy at the time.
I might have been hoping to discover that she taught yoga at more studio’s, but I’m pretty sure I was just unsatisfied with the brief spiel on the De La Sol website, needed to know more about this person, and couldn’t contain my doggone curiosity.
The google search yielded pure gold – it led me here.
I didn’t leave my computer that afternoon until I had read every Living Yogically post on the site.
No exaggeration: I was amazed with the striking physical sensation in my body.
It was like an overdose of inspiration; I was buzzing with a deliciously powerful energy and excitement. I was floating on a cloud of blissful enthusiasm and optimism.
The quotes, anecdotes and philosophies were so valuable, so honest and so very entertaining.
Just knowing somebody out there thought this way and had the courage to share it with the world was really bringing me a lot of daily joy.
Each week I would check the new post and get a nice inspiration-recharge.
Aspects of my life started running more smoothly around this time, and felt easier and lighter.
It seemed I was starting to harness some of the essence that I was initially drawn to in Natalie, or at least I was getting a feel for where it was all rooted.
Natalie, I commend you for your commitment to this blog – I can’t imagine how hard it must be to keep the words flowing week after week. And I want to thank you – you can’t imagine the impact that your words have.
I hope you continue to share your stories and perspective and embrace your gift as a writer in some way or another…preferably with a post, ASAP, cause it feels like its been ages!
I agree with #1Fan. Please write more Natalie!!! Your readers miss you.
Wow thanks for the push I needed. NAT IS BACK NEXT WEEK! Bigger, bolder and sexier (haha) than ever!