I am NOT a doctor…but I have voted twice.
I was once under the impression that since I was uneducated about politics, I didn’t want to vote for the sake of voting and give an uninformed vote. In 2008 I voted for the first time, in the favor of the NDP. My Nana had just been diagnosed with cancer and the NDP had a stance on health care I was in favor of and like most, I voted for what was most important to me. The man at the helm of the NDP: Jack Layton
As everyone knows, Jack passed away earlier this week after an extended battle with cancer. As I have said, I am not that into politics (though I now make more of an effort, since this stuff affects me whether directly or indirectly). What interested me even more about Jack was his support of Movember. Movember is a movement in which men grow moustaches to raise awareness and funds towards prostate cancer over the course over the month each November. I remember listening to an interview Jack did on the Dean Blundell show last November, hearing his story and admiring his persistence and optimism.
I’ll once again be growing my ‘stache this year in support of people like my Nana, Papa and Jack Layton; people who show strength, courage and determination in the face of adversity as they dealt with cancer.
This week Canada (and the world) lost a politician, a fighter of cancer and a genuine human being.
[Farewell to a man who fought the good fight to change the face of mens health]

Dr. Steve, Ph.D. (Pretty Helpful Dude)
I think it was his authenticity and sense of humour that has made him the best Prime Minister we never had!