I am NOT a doctor…but I can grow a mean moustache.
And starting THIS Tuesday, I will be growing a ‘stache in an effort to raise awareness and funds in the battle against prostate cancer.
I am stoked for Movember and also for Halloween, which takes place this upcoming weekend. And speaking of Halloween, I have a scaaarrrryyyy stat to share:
“Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among Canadian men – it will afflict 1 in 7 men and is a greater threat for those with a family history of the disease. 25,500 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year alone (2011).”
While that fact is indeed frightening, there is hope in the shape of several kinds of moustaches that will adorn dudes faces EVERYWHERE this Movember!
In honor of this joyous time of year, I am starting ‘MO Mondays’!’ Every Monday, all Movember long I will be profiling some of the best MO’s in the biz.
Stay tuned
[Check back for your next Check Up in December]
Dr. Steve, Ph.D. (Pretty Helpful Dude)