GIVE UP TO GAIN: No Ice Cubes August Ends and September Begins

August proved to be more of an “answering questions” month. Back on July 31st when I said that I was giving up eating ice cubes, people immediately had a confused idea of the whole premise of this challenge. Most people questioned it and thought that I was just taking the easy way out for the month.
Little do people know, and my family can definitely back me up on this, but I had quite the little addiction. Sure, eating ice cubes that were at the bottom of your drink happens from time to time, but when you go to the freezer for the sole purpose of grabbing an ice cube to eat it, and doing it over and over, then it becomes an addiction.
As seen in last months video post (GIVE UP TO GAIN: VIDEO POST – No Poker July Ends and August Begins), I outlined the potential dangers of eating ice cubes.
So how did I do? I beat this habit. Studies show that it takes 28 days to either develop or break a habit. I’m now ice cube free for 31 days and have beat this addiction. My teeth definitely thank me for this one.
For me, August is right in the middle of Wedding season. I was thankfully extremely busy with weddings this month, so much that I really had no time to make a video for Septembers Give Up To Gain. I guess it’s a good problem to have.
Again, these months are getting harder and harder to choose something to give up.
This month I’ve decided to give up an addiction I’ve had since my days in elementary school. I have recently controlled it over the past couple years but lately I have been on a super health kick so it’s time for these to go as well. So this month I’m going to give up my addiction to… Skittles!
I remember back in my high school days, my parents use to buy boxes of skittles from Costco and I would always have a pack on standby. If I didn’t play hockey back in the day, I would have been quite the pudgy child as I would eat around a pack or two a day. Lately I have a pack around twice a week but that’s still too much.
Along with Skittles, I’m going to give up any sort of candy. With having a two year old nephew, there’s always candy around, and I always find myself snacking on it and with Halloween just around the corner, now is when stores start to load their shelves with cheap giant bags of candy.
Although September will be known as “No Skittles September”, Skittles is used for all candy.
Do you have an addiction to candy? chocolate? Would love to hear your crazy candy stories. Do you think you could do it?
Again, follow me on Twitter at to follow along with my progress.
Have a great month!