Top Five Fridays: TV Show Dads

Sunday marks the day most fathers wait all year for. They get to be pampered, waited on, and celebrated. Fathers Day should be a day of appreciation for the man who had a role in who you are today. Most fathers take the day off, but if you are anything like my Dad, the day will go on just as usual. He will be outside cutting the grass, trimming the hedges, and anything that needs to get done around the house. I guess that’s where I get my strong work ethic (or ‘don’t know how to relax’ work ethic) from. On a side note: If you need this day to force you to appreciate your father, then something is wrong.
Some of you may know my Dad, but most probably don’t. Instead of going on and on how amazing he is, I thought I would devote this weeks Top Five Fridays to my favorite Dads that you know.
There will probably be a lot of different views on who I selected, but again, this is just my personal opinion. I haven’t really watched much television at all in the past 6-7 years so I’m not really familiar with new TV shows.
So here are the top five TV Show Dads.
5. Danny Tanner.

Danny Tanner, played by everyones favourite vulgar comedian Bob Saget, was a single father and always there for his family. He played the main character on the hit show Full House. No matter the situation, Danny always had the best advice to give his daughters while a slow sad melody played softly in the background.
Who can forget Tanner Family Fun Nights. As families grow older, the bonding seems to stop. Danny made sure at least one night was devoted to family. Class act.
Danny Tanner’s Ideal Fathers Day Gift: Lemon Pledge.
If you were a fan of Full House, you know that Danny was a clean freak and sometimes even referred to as a ‘Lean, Mean, Cleaning Machine’.
Did I mention he’s a magnificent dancer?
4. Frank Costanza.

I can’t say I’m a fan of Frank Costanza because of his parenting to George Costanza, but I’m more a fan of how entertaining he would be as a father. There is never a dull moment when he is around. Frank, played by screen legend Jerry Stiller, was a regular character on the popular NBC sitcom Seinfeld. His crazy antics and the way he constantly fought with his wife Estelle, is what made him such an interesting character and he played the role extremely well.
Does your father have any obsessions that could rival Franks? Frank was a simple man but boy did he love his TV Guide. We are introduced to Franks obsession in Season 5, Episode 10 – “The Cigar Store Indian”, and how upset one can get when an issue of TV Guide goes missing.
Frank Costanza’s Ideal Fathers Day Gift: Insoles that would battle his terrible foot odour.
3. Uncle Phil

Uncle Phil, played by James Avery, was the Uncle and father figure to Will Smith (played by Will Smith) in the show The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Uncle Phil was your caring father who worked extra hard to give his family a better life. When life got tough for Will, Uncle Phil took him in and instantly became the father in Wills life.
Although he technically doesn’t fit into this list, I decided to break the rules a bit.
I think we all have someone like Uncle Phil in our life. A soft, caring individual who thinks of others first, but is big and tough and not afraid to throw down when needed.
Uncle Phil’s Ideal Fathers Day Gift: Hillary to get a job.
One of the sad moments of Fresh Prince of Bel Air, but touching and shows Uncle Phil being there when needed.
2. Tony Micelli.

From playing second base for the St. Louis Cardinals to becoming a live-in housekeeper for a divorced advertising executive Angela Bower, Tony Micelli, played by Tony Danza has been a model for what it takes to be a father.
Going from athlete to cleaner must have been quite the change but it was all done to provide for his daughter Samantha.
Just like Uncle Phil, Tony slowly develops into the role of a subtle father figure for Angela’s son Jonathan.
Tony Micelli’s Ideal Fathers Day Gift: Baseball Memorabilia
1. Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable.

This man really needs no introduction. As one of the worlds most famous comedians, Bill Cosby played one of the greatest TV Dads in history. He always knew how to solve a problem, and when needed, disciplined his children, but in a way we weren’t accustomed too. He would never raise his voice and his style of parenting is what made him so successful but more importantly, a friend to his children.
Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable’s Ideal Fathers Day Gift: A knitted wool sweater
Honourable Mentions
– Al Bundy
– Homer J. Simpson
Again, I’m basing my selections on the character they played on television and not the person in real life. Did I miss someone that you think should be on the list? Let me know if the comments.
I am going to post another Top Five Fridays on Sunday where I pick the top 5 Dads from film.
Happy early Fathers Day to all Dads out there. Keep up the amazing work.